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Faculty & Staff Directory

Maressa Monk
Dual Enrollment
College Navigator - John S. Battle High School
Jim Montgomery
Career Coach - Northwood High School
Katey Morrell
Nursing Retention Specialist
D’Lisa Mullins
Financial Specialist
Kayla Mullins
Assistant Professor; Nursing SIM Lab
Cam Mumpower
First Aid, Safety and CPR, Health Information Management, Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Instructor
Mary Munsey
Music Instructor
Heather Musick
Health Information Management, Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Instructor
Debra Nelson
Information Center Specialist
Ernest Nunley
Buildings and Grounds
Superintendent Buildings & Grounds
Jessica O'Quinn
President's Office
Administrative Assistant
Bruce Olivo
Instructor, HVACR
Andy Olson
Foundation, Marketing & Public Relations
Marketing and Communications Director
Bryant Owens
Philosophy - Adjunct
Kimberly Owens
Adjunct - INT
Brad Pennington
Buildings and Grounds
Building & Grounds Technician
Danielle Pennington
Radiography Instructor
Laura Pennington
Sponsored Programs, Foundation, Marketing & Public Relations, Alumni, Special Events
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Heather Perry
Business Office
Business Operations Manager
Dr. Whitney Peters
Assistant Professor of Biology
You're Gonna Love Where You Go.TM
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